Level 200: Beyond Basic Use Cases of AI – How to Unlock Potential
Everyone's an expert these days with AI. Youtube channels are abundant claiming "Major AI MODEL BREAKTHROUGHS!" and "Mega-Advanced AI Model Training By People Way Smarter Than You." It's easy to all of sudden feel like you're behind when we haven't really even started yet.
So, yeah, what's the deal with that?
The deal is that we've all gotten pretty darn good using these tools for a variety of research and writing/editing tasks, and they've proven their worth. So what's next? I'll take you down a little journey about relatively simple things you can do just on the other side of the street from what you're currently doing. But on this "Level 200" of AI advancement, I believe there are some major personal breakthroughs as you begin to see and create value well beyond personal utility to solving team problems or a customer problem or, gasp, starting a new company because you had AI *write software for you* simply because you could and you did.
Let's explore AND SHARE what we're doing beyond the norm by creating new value as a result of simply being smarter all of a sudden.
6:00pm – 6:30pm: Networking – food & drinks
6:30pm – 8:00pm: Presentation & discussion
8:00pm: Networking at [Lake Monster Brewing](https://www.lakemonsterbrewing.com/)
**Meet Our Featured Speaker**
It was 1995. Ciceron was born over drinks and dinner at an Italian bistro in San Francisco as one of the first digital agencies in the US.
At that time, few believed in the Internet really. There was no Google. No YouTube. No WiFi. No streaming audio, video or on-demand programming. People hated it when web pages had images on them because they would have to wait for them to load. It seemed rickety and sort of pointless.
Fast forward to 2025. The Internet turned out to be super real, and now we're on the next step change in technology with AI, blockchain, clean energy, and fintech all converging upon one another. And Ciceron continues to slash at the vines of the future, extracting value from chaos for its clients, 30 years later.
[Andrew ](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreweklund/)is a sought after speaker on a host of topics related to digital transformation, from the advancement of AI and business intelligence to data-driven marketing performance.
This event is sponsored by [Lab651](https://lab651.com/) & [Recursive Awesome](https://recursiveawesome.com/)