We are excited to begin highlighting our extraordinary community through a series we are calling “Where are they now?” In it, we get a chance to check in with previous Minnedemo and Minnebar presenters, learn more about their story, their Minnestar experience, and what makes our community great. This week we are delighted to chat with Michael McCarthy who, along with his co-founder Abram Isola, presented their company Inkit at Minnedemo25.

Could you tell us a little about yourself and how Inkit got started?

My name is Michael and I’m the CEO and co-founder at Inkit. I have a background in computer science and finance. Inkit was born two years ago. Abram Isola (Inkit’s CTO) and I were frustrated with the time-consuming and laborious process of printing and sending direct mail campaigns to consumers. Despite the inefficiencies involved, we noticed that direct mail campaigns were performing extremely well as a marketing strategy. It used to take weeks to get single campaign to consumers – despite going to a small, targeted quantity of people. We realized that we could automate the process and started building the foundation of the software that Inkit operates on today.

So what exactly does Inkit Do?

Inkit is a direct mail automation platform. We put power in to our customers’ hands by applying digital marketing strategies. Ecommerce marketers who rely on digital channels are boosting their sales by utilizing the strength of direct mail campaigns. This allows marketers who are very much used to marketing through digital channels to utilize direct mail to increase their sales.

What is one fact that most people don’t know about you?

I enjoy downhill skiing and eating Skittles. I am also a huge fan of Westworld.

How would you describe the Minnesota tech community?

The MN tech community is an extremely caring and close community. It’s a place where entrepreneurship is grounded in hardworking midwestern values.

What was your favorite thing about being part of Minnedemo?

I really enjoyed connecting with the attendees and having them provide feedback on our product. Having real companies in attendance to see how our direct mail marketing automation platform works was great.

Since presenting at Minnedemo, what are you up to now?

We have grown +50% MoM. We are getting ready to sign our first few Fortune 500 customers.

Why is the work of Minnestar important to Minnesota and the technology community?

It helps foster a community where people can learn + engage with startups. And nerd out!

Did you miss their demo in at Minnedemo25? Not to worry – check it out here (video courtesy of tech.mn):